Our family is rich in a very large number of lay people (young and adults) who share the same spiritual charism as Saint Leonard Murialdo and, at times, the same mission in the educational commitment of evangelization of children.

Murialdo had as his characteristic the enhancement of the laity. He knew how to involve lay people of different backgrounds and professions in educational and pastoral activity. He worked with them and entrusted them with responsibilities in the management of many of his works. He himself was a much sought after collaborator as he had the ability to enhance the skills of others.

The Congregation of the Josephites was born in this climate of sharing, and in an experience of brotherhood so as to form, both religious and lay, a "well-united family". Saint Leonardo insisted on this theme: “United in thought, in the desire to do good to young people; united in affection, charity, friendship and action. Give our environments the character of a family ”(Writings IV, p. 326). And also: “We wish to form a single family for feelings, for affection, for occupations” (Writings  X, p. 43).

Even today our family is rich in a very large number of lay people (young and adults) who share the same spiritual charism of St. Leonard Murialdo and, at times, also the same mission in the educational commitment of evangelization of children. Many do it on a personal level, but many are grafted into our family as communities or groups. Among these, the Communities of the Laity of Murialdo, the groups of past pupils and friends, the Apostolic Mothers...

In all the works we find young people and adults who, alongside the Josephites, the Murialdine women and the consecrated women of the secular institute, carry out the educational service in the first person, inserting themselves into the network work of the territory; charisma, through a typical educational style, which we call "Pedagogy of Love", centered on the education of the heart.

They are educators, catechists, animators, professionals, workers... who have the charism of St. Leonard in their hearts and give themselves generously to the service of building the Kingdom of God, with a personal commitment, offering their intellectual, technical, manual skills... and witnessing in the world the primacy of God's love for us.


Where are we


Vita Giuseppina